Marvelous Light
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Marvelous Light International  Outchreach Programs 


Our Mission 

  •  To Restore Lives and The Community One Child at a Time
  •   Feed the hungry,help the poor and homeless 
  •  To Bring a Life-Changing Message of Hope, Love and Compassion




Our Goals:


  • Serve the Underrepresented
  • Serve those with limited opportunities
  • Serve the underprivileged
  • Serve the impoverished


Sandra's Pantry 


  • Provide emergency food bags to help feed families, the displaced and homeless.
  • To provide our community with a sufficient amount of nonperishable and perishable food to feed a family for a week or individuals for 2 weeks.
  • To maintain an adequate amount of food at all times to fulfill emergency needs.
  • Reduce Hunger and increase self esteem
  • Provide food during special outreaches (check our calander for dates)




Bless The Children Outreach


  • Provide Back to School Supplies,  to children 5 to 17 years. 







  • Basket of Blessings Providing Thanksgiving Food Baskets to those in Need


A Christmas Blessing

  • Each year we choose a different organization. ie: seniors, children, or the homeless, or womens shelter.



Outside The Gate 

  • Providing Bags of hope for the homeless with day to day essentials depending on the weather. 
  • Distrubution of gift cards for food to nearby locations. 




Partners in Christ

  • Donations to local battered womens shelter and rehab facilities. 




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